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Blue Hawaiian

Throughout history the market has always been one of the most important civic institutions of the city. Apart of being a commercial space, the market is also an important meeting point and social place. The architecture of the market, from the roman horreum to the ottoman bazars, from the Markethal of the hanseatic cities to the Parisian Halles has always reflected the dual character of this great urban apparatus, being at the same time functional machine and public monument.

To underline this double identity of the market as infrastructure and monument, our proposal takes inspiration from the great hypostyle structures of the horreum and the basilica. These typologies are seen as welcoming and generous spaces, civic and cautiously monumental. For this reason, we propose to develop the market hall on a single floor and to contain it in a big hypostyle room so as to ensure complete spatial continuity between the city and the market.

The roof of this structure is conceived as the main open and public space – a piazza – which apart from providing space for parking, it can host a multitude of activities, from festivals to sport events, from the communal activities of the neighbourhood to cinematographic screenings during the summer evenings.

The hypostyle room of the market is based on a structural grid of 8x8m and its module is marked by pillars of different shapes and rhythms. These variations suggest different uses of the spaces of the market, such as the portico at the main entrance, the space dedicated to the ‘vending boxes’ and the service block along the back side. In some case the spans of the portals become larger, allowing greater spaces and thus increasing daylight. These spaces can temporarily host additional activities as conferences and concerts. All the services dedicated to the proper functioning of the market such as storage rooms, restrooms, technical rooms and offices are concentrated in a single strip located on the north side of Piazza San Giovanni di Dio, making them directly accessible from the street on the back of the market.

The access to the roof of the structure is through a large ramp for pedestrians, bikes and cars and through lifts from inside the main market space. The roof can be used as parking or alternatively host varied public activities. This solution provides the area with the additional parking space that it needs but still making this program reversible and open to new uses in the future.

The hypostyle hall

Blue Hawaiian

The hypostyle hall

Ground-floor plan

Blue Hawaiian

Ground-floor plan

  The hypostyle hall and the public space/parking

Blue Hawaiian

The hypostyle hall and the public space/parking

Roof structure

Blue Hawaiian

Roof structure

Blue Hawaiian



Pier Vittorio Aureli and Martino Tattara, with Celeste Tellarini, Theodor Reinhardt, Rachel Rouzaud, Perla Gísladóttir.